Cristiano Ronaldo's lavish lifestyle is defended by teammate Al Nasr, who claims that luxury living is available for everyone  


Teammate Jarrolidin Masharipov insisted Cristiano Ronaldo's lavish lifestyle in Saudi Arabia was not the result of special treatment from Al Nasr.

Ronaldo stays in Kingdom Tower
His one of the best complexes in Saudi Arabia
Teammates say others may do the same
what happened? Since joining Al Nasr as a free agent earlier this year, Ronaldo has been living with his family in a lavish apartment in the gorgeous Kingdom Tower. During the talk, Masharipov revealed via Express that he was unable to give Ronaldo a resource that was not available to others.

what you said:
"Cristiano is currently staying in one of the best hotels and will probably move to one of the best villas soon. “Other players in the team have been given the same opportunity. One prefers to stay in a hotel, the other in one of the houses around the stadium. We are preparing the necessary conditions for the players.”

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Ronaldo turned 38 on Sunday and received a personalized birthday cake from his teammates shortly after scoring his first official goal for the club. 

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